Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dirty Windows

I was recently strolling thru a local shopping center window shopping. One of the shops was a pet store. I would usually go in to see the critters; this time I didn’t. The windows were very dirty. Not just a few finger prints but real dirt 5” high. It actually made the store look it wasn’t open.
That brought to mind how you present yourselves. Not your personal style, there is a lot of information available about that, but your business style. What do your current, and more importantly your future customers think when they approach your business? Is it welcoming?

The first thing a client will see is the look of the premises; are the gardens well tended, is the signage good, is the parking lot clean. The next thing is your door; if its glass is it clean, if not is the paint fresh and clean. Your lobby or reception area are next; carpets clean, plants healthy, inviting chairs, desks not too cluttered. If you are in retail your customers will want to see clean, well-lit areas, good signage, and an easy to navigate floor plan.

The response may be subliminal, but it will color your relationship. They might just decide that your lack of attention to your environment indicates will be reflected in your work.

If you have had tunnel vision about your work take a minute to look around. Try to see your space as a customer might see it. You need not invest a lot of money for your work space, but a little thought and awareness will definitely be returned in your bottom line.